Events & News


Once each month on Saturday evening, there will be a special session to learn about culture, travel and events in Japan. For those who are interested, there is also an opportunity to travel to Japan and train in a Japanese dojo.

Annual Japan Trip

Train in an authentic dojo in the Japanese martial art of Muso Shinden Ryu alongside other Japanese and international students and experience the incredible beauty of Japan's historic and cultural sites.

Ishido Cup 26-29 January Netherlands (NL)
AUSKF East Coast Seminar 5-8 March Weehauken, NJ
Nabeshima Cup Taikai and Texas Open 28-30 April Dallas, TX
Memphis Taikai 17-18 June Memphis, TN
European Iaido & Jodo Summer Seminar and shinsa 3-8 August Eindhoven, NL
AUSKF Iaido Summer Camp & Shinsa 10-13 August Houston, TX
Pacific Northwest Fall Iaido Seminar and Shinsa 6-8 October Seattle, WA
58th All Japan Iaido Taikai 21 October Tokyo
European Iaido Championships 27-29 October Munich, Germany
AUSKF National Jodo Seminar 8-10 December Grand Rapids, MI