Welcome to Kokoro Budokai Nashville! As a new member or if you’re just interested to see what a real Budo Dojo is all about, you can learn more here.
An observation day is held on the first Saturday of the month from 1:00 to 4:00pm and is free. You will learn more about Budo and Bushido. This will answer some basic questions, set your expectations, and help you become familiar with some of the terminology and routine in the dojo. Budo is as much mental and spiritual training as it is physical. However, you’ll be in great physical condition if you stick with it!
Etiquette; in the dojo it’s called Reiho and it’s the most important thing you can learn about budo. Simply put, its showing respect and courtesy to others and to the dojo at all times. Reiho isn’t just for the dojo; it should be part of your life.
The dojo; before entering the dojo, remove your shoes and place them outside in an orderly fashion. Its ok to wear socks or be barefoot. As you enter the dojo, politely bow to the shomen (usually on your right) and bow to the sensei or head of the dojo. The dojo should be treated with reverence as you would a shrine, temple or place of worship so please keep any talk or physical actions polite and to a minimum.
Training and Practice; Come prepared and on time! If you’re late, then wait for the sensei or class leader to motion you in. If you’re new and don’t have any budo gear, loose fitting sweatpants and a T-shirt or sweatshirt are just fine. If you intend to practice iaido you’ll need some good kneepads. The dojo can supply you with practice gear until you join the membership, at which point you’ll be expected to purchase your own equipment. As a member, you can choose any discipline you like. While you don’t have to practice all three, many individuals choose to do more than one as it only enhances your knowledge and skill.
Dojo Etiquette
- Be on time and ready for training.
- Never interrupt the Sensei when he/she is giving instruction.
- Do ask questions if you don’t understand something. Just raise your hand.
- Never walk between two training or sparring partners. Go around or behind.
- Do not step on or over your or anyone’s sword.
- When sitting, do not show the soles of your feet as it is rude and impolite.
- Always train safely and with safety in mind.
- We do not wear hats or jewelry of any kind in the dojo. Leave them home.
- Abusive or threatening language of any kind will not be tolerated.
- Never place your sword with the kissaki (sharp tip) toward the shinza (shrine) if you are not using it. Place the gashira (butt of the handle) that way.
- Smoking is not permitted inside the dojo at any time.
- Do train hard, learn as much as you can and enjoy training. It’s supposed to be fun.