Kokoro is a Japanese word that translates to heart or spirit. However, the concept of kokoro is much deeper and encompasses what a person thinks, feels and expresses in body, mind and spirit. Budo, literally translated means martial way and encompasses kendo, or the way of the sword. It embodies the principles and values of the samurai. Kokoro Budokai trains with these principles and values in mind.
Tim Sendatsu is 4th dan Iaidoka and leader of Kokoro Budokai Nashville. He has spent many years training in Europe under the watchful eye of Sensei Aad van de Winjaart (7th dan Iaido Kyoshi, 7th dan Jodo Kyoshi) and Sensei Shizufumi Ishido (8th dan Iaido Hanshi, 8th dan Jodo Hanshi, 7th dan Kendo kyoshi) at Shinbukan Ishido dojo in Japan.
Tim is a retired U.S. Marine and a former member of the Dutch National Team and has been a competitor at the European Championships. He has also summitted the three highest free-standing mountains in the world; Kilimanjaro, Fuji and Taranaki.
What is Iaido?
Iaido encompasses hundreds of styles of swordsmanship, all of which subscribe to non-combative aims and purposes. Iaido is an intrinsic form of Japanese modern budo.
Iaido is a reflection of the morals of the classical warrior to build a spiritually harmonious person possessed of high intellect, sensitivity, and resolute will. Iaido is for the most part performed solo as an issue of kata, executing strategies against single or various rivals. Every kata starts and finishes with the sword sheathed. Regardless of the sword method, creative ability and concentration are required to maintain the feeling of a genuine battle. Iaidoka are often expected to practice kendo to maintain the combative spirit. It is normal for high-ranking kendoka to hold high rank in iaido as well, and vice versa.
To perform the many kata appropriately, iaidoka likewise learn correct body posture and development of attack and sword handling. At times iaidoka will practice complementary kata from kendo or kenjutsu. Unlike kendo, iaido practice never involves sparring.

What is Jodo?
Jodo is the art of fighting with a round wooden staff, using techniques to defeat an opponent armed with a sword. The true aim of Jodo is to respond to being attacked by keeping your opponent in check. The characters in the name 杖道 mean “the way of the stick.” Along with kendo and iaido, it is one of three martial arts governed by the All-Japan Kendo Federation. Of the three arts, Jodo is by far the rarest and least well-known. For self-defense, using a stick is far more practical than many other weapon arts. Frank DiMarco is Yondan jodoka.
What is Naginata?
The martial art of wielding the naginata is known as naginata-jutsu.
Naginata were originally used by the samurai class of feudal Japan, as well as by the ashigaru (foot soldiers) and sohei (warrior monks). The naginata is the iconic weapon of the (onna-musha), a type of female warrior. The naginata was accepted as a status symbol and self-defense weapon for women of nobility, resulting in the image that the Naginata is the main weapon used by women. However, historically the naginata was often used by foot soldiers to create space on the battlefield.
Takami Sensei, (Renshi – Atarashi Naginata) has been training for over 35 years, has been a US National Champion in the women’s division and actively promotes Tendo-ryu Naginata jutsu in the Nashville area. Takami Sensei is a member of Bitokukai and US Naginata Federation.