Who We Are
Kokoro is a Japanese word that translates to heart or spirit. However, the concept of kokoro is much deeper and encompasses what a person thinks, feels and expresses in body, mind and spirit. Budo, literally translated means martial way and encompasses kendo, or the way of the sword. It embodies the principles and values of the samurai. Kokoro Budokai Nashville trains with these principles and values in mind.
What is Kendo
Kendo is a way of life that successive generations can learn together. The purpose of Kendo is to discipline the human character through the application of the principles of the katana to:
- Mold the mind and body
- Cultivate a vigorous spirit
- Strive for improvement in the art
- Hold in esteem human courtesy and honor
- Associate with others with sincerity
- Contribute to the development of culture and promote peace and prosperity among all people
All Japan Kendo Federation

"The way of the warrior" is a moral code concerning samurai attitudes, behavior and lifestyle. It is embodied by sincerity, frugality, loyalty, mastery of martial arts and honor.